Today's Top Travel Bloggers Share their Best Vacation Advice

Whether exploring far flung locales, sharing tips on the latest travel hacks or simply inspiring our next trip, travel bloggers help make globetrotting more accessible. Leaving jobs, selling homes and hitting the road; each of the following bloggers have flipped their worlds upside down, in pursuit of a life ruled by travel. Here, Culture Trip asks travel bloggers to share their best piece of travel advice.
Brooke Saward is an award-winning travel blogger behind the wildly popular site, World of Wanderlust. As both Founder of World of Wanderlust andauthor of a recently published book with Penguin Random House Australia, Brooke continues to chronicle her adventures when not home in Tasmania working on her newly opened bakery, Charlie’s. With more than 618,000 Instagram followers, Brooke’s best piece of travel advice is, unsurprisingly, tied to photography…
“Take photos, they’re the only way to time warp back to a place and remind you of how it felt. You can never take too many photos when you travel.”
Out on morning watch 😁 camping in Tanzania is as crazy as it sounds. Went to sleep to zebras calling and woke up to lions roaring! Not to mention all the little nippers that unleashed on my unsuspecting body 😂🐾 can’t wait to share the vlog!! #wowtravels
A post shared by Brooke Saward (@worldwanderlust) on Mar 1, 2016 at 11:59am PST
Brazilian travel bloggers Natalie and Robson became full time digital nomads back in 2013. At a time when most newly wed couples would look to settle down, this married pair shook things up and gave up their jobs, home and belongings to travel around the world. Starting a blog aptly named, Love & Road, Rob and Natalie’s best travel advice centers around keeping an open mind and open heart…
“We having been traveling the world for the past three years and the best advice I can give to any traveler is to be open, to leave all the prejudice at home. When you travel to a new destination you need to open your mind and heart to a new culture, new possibilities and new experiences. Forget home, don’t compare things, food, manners. Don’t expect to be treated or have the same comfort you have at home. If you manage to see things without prejudice or judgment you will enjoy your adventure way more, and you will discover that the world is full of surprises, amazing people, and incredible experiences. On the practical side, my best travel tip is to be punctual! For flights, tours, to meet people, be punctual all the time.”
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do” – Rumi . Thanks @localgrapher for the photo! . . #VisitCZ #visitczech #Prague #praguecity #instaprague #praha #neverstopexploring #followyourheart #relationshipgoals #letsgosomewhere #beautifuldestinations #livealifeyoulove #travelstoke #lifeofadventure #viajar #ventureout #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #romanticplace #couplegoals #lovequotes #couplelove #travelcouple #couplesofig #couplesofinstagram #rbbviagem A post shared by Love and Road (@loveandroad) on Mar 12, 2017 at 3:59pm PDT
Luxury travel blogger Dr. Cacinda Maloney founded the popular site, Points & Travel, to serve as the ultimate destination for smart luxury travel. Having traveled every six weeks for the past 25 years, Cacinda continues to traverse the planet in search of unique experiences to share with her readers through vivid photography. Always one for useful tips, Cacinda’s best piece of travel advice is essential for every traveler…
“Only bring a carry-on piece of luggage and a backpack for ease of travel. Pack a charger for all your electronics and extra batteries and memory cards for your camera (heck these days, unless you are a professional like me, an iPhone 7 takes good enough photos, so you might be able to leave the heavy DSLR home.) Always check your flight immediately when you book it to get the best seat… if not available to change it, check 48 hours before to see how things have changed. Be patient and be flexible with your plans, and always try to get a WiFi connection when landing so that you can connect with family and friends to let them know you made it. Oh, and packing cubes are your friend.”
Just another day at the beach… #Mexico #gnomadsummit16 #gnomads A post shared by Dr. Cacinda Maloney (@pointsandtravel) on Nov 3, 2016 at 5:46am PDT
In the world of blogging, it can be difficult to stand out amongst the sea of talented content creators floating around the internet, but Aussie blogger, Nicola Easterby, and her blog, Polkadot Passport, do just that. Nicola’s photography has rocketed her work to stardom, landing on Topdeck Travelbillboards, the cover of catalogs and garnering her more than 204,000 Instagram followers. Since 19, Nicola has traveled to over 30 countries, so it comes as no surprise that her best piece of advice is all about spontaneity…
“Don’t over plan or come with any expectations.The beauty of travel is in the spontaneousness of the adventure. If you have your travels planned out to a tee or try to follow a stringent itinerary, you only leave room for disappointment.”
“Certain things capture your eye, but pursue only those things that capture your heart.” 💕 ••• I’ve just arrived back in London and the month I spent in India is already feeling like a vivid dream! I finally see why this country captures so many hearts- there is a certain magic about it that must be experienced to be understood. I’ve got lots more photos from my tour with @gadventures to share with you before I embrace a slightly different kind of adventure- winter in Europe! ❄️ A post shared by Nicola Easterby 🇦🇺✈️ (@polkadotpassport) on Dec 10, 2016 at 12:04pm PST
Rachel Bale’s blog, The Department of Wandering, is a travel and lifestyle blog that provides travelers with tips on everything from avoiding tourist scams to finding local experiences. Rachel also writes about the nuances of moving abroad and quitting a 9-to-5 career to travel. Where some bloggers might just offer inspiration, Rachel goes a step further and shares practical tips for ex-pats and readers keen on making a life change. Rachel’s best travel advice comes down to food…
“If you want to find the best, most authentic food, simply ask the locals where they eat. They’ll point you away from the tourist traps and towards the best local food in the city. I’m yet to be disappointed by their recommendations!”
Today on The Department of Wandering we’re talking all about how to travel with cash abroad (direct link in profile 👆). I’ve learned a few things over the years – sometimes the hard way! @auspost #travelessentials #sponsored A post shared by Rachel Bale (@departmentofwandering) on Sep 21, 2016 at 4:16am PDT
Stephen Schreck has made a name for himself with his blog, A Backpacker’s Tale. For three years and counting, Stephen has been globetrotting in search of travel experiences to share with his readers, working hard and saving at home before taking off for three to five months at a time. A man of adventure, Stephen’s best advice is about accepting the less than perfect moments of travel…
“Sometimes travel is chaotic, and the craziness causes us to make mistakes. Things, like missing your train and getting lost can put you in a horrible mood that ripples through your trip for days. Getting angry and frustrated when things go awry just adds fuel to the fire. Everyone, even the most seasoned travelers make mistakes, but the trick is not to sweat the small stuff. There will always be another train or locals to help. Some of my favorite travel memories have started from making a mistake so I say we should embrace them.”
Headed by to Tokyo. I have one more night in this marvelous city. I have lived my short time in Japan and look forward to exploring more of this wonderful country next time. A post shared by Stephen Schreck (@abackpackerstale) on Nov 5, 2016 at 3:32am PDT
At 26, Dave Brett has traveled to 80+ countries and lived in Finland, Wales and the Netherlands, as well as worked and lived in Singapore, Switzerland, and the USA. Attributing his travel lifestyle to a balance of frugality and budget travel savvy, Dave is now a full time digital nomad and published author. Speaking at travel conferences, writing books, and blogging at Travel Dave, Dave advises his readers on everything from travel hacking to staying productive on the road. Taking his own advice, Dave’s best tip for travelers is about testing the limits of your comfort zone…
“Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. My golden rule is to always try things once, give things ago and don’t be afraid to try something that challenges you. It’s important to challenge yourself to escape your comfort zone. Many times when I look back at my travels, it’s the things that I didn’t do because I was afraid that annoy me the most. These challenges are the memories you will treasure the most, they will make you a become better rounded person and create ever lasting memories.”
Kayaking the Luleå archipelago in Sweden. What an adventure it was! PhotoCredit: Fredrik Broman @luleanu #visitluleå #visitsweden A post shared by TravelDaveUK 🌍 ✈️ (@traveldaveuk) on Aug 3, 2016 at 2:05am PDT
German blogger, Annika Ziehen, is the writer behind The Midnight Blue Elephant. Annika’s travel blog is a refreshingly honest account of her travels, stories and mishaps along the way. Writing as though she is sitting across from you in a coffeeshop, Annika weaves personal anecdotes into her writing, to bring a destination to life for her readers. Having recently authored a book on the topic of solo travel, Annika continues to globe trot the world. Her best advice? Just go…
“Just do it! Don’t worry too much about the what-ifs and the buts. Once you are there, wherever there may be, you realize that most worries never manifest, they are just in our heads. Keep your expectations low so they can be exceeded and keep your mind open so it can be changed. “
It must be love… ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #midnightblueelephant #scarabeocamp A post shared by The Midnight Blue Elephant (@midnightblueelephant) on Feb 24, 2017 at 10:07am PST