See a Different Side of Paris With These Handpicked Experiences

Discover Paris from the Seine on a unique boat tour
Discover Paris from the Seine on a unique boat tour | © Godong / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip Travel Team

With so many big-hitting sights, it can be hard to get a fresh look at Paris. These handpicked tours and experiences take you away from the crowds and show you the city in a whole different light.

With its Gothic architecture, pretty cobbled streets, world-leading museums, enviable fashion scene and host of traditional French bistros, a trip to Paris is unlikely to disappoint, but there’s always a way to see the city through a new lens. From swooping to the 56th floor of Montparnasse Tower for unrivalled views of the city below to cruising the River Seine with a champagne sommelier or learning how to bake macarons at the Galeries Lafayette, these experiences may surprise you by revealing a unique side to the city.



Discover the french pastry during your stay in Paris!- In the heart of the Opera district- Learn the tricks from our French pastry chef- Discover the steps of creating the shells and the ganache- Uncover the mysteries of the macaron and become an expert



Learn the art of cheesemaking with true experts in a professionnal environment! Leave this 2-hour workshop with the knowledge of doing it again at home! Come with all your question about cheeses, the expert will also make you discover the wonders of french cheeses, having a glass of wine in the hand.This will be a fun and educational experience including a wine and cheese tasting.

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