The Best Coastal Walks in the World

A good seaside walk rewards your hard work with views like this
A good seaside walk rewards your hard work with views like this | Tron Le / Unsplash
Gethin Morgan

Content Editor

Love it when ocean views accompany your walk? Tackle epic cliffs, stroll along pristine beaches and enjoy pretty little seafronts on the best coastal hiking trails on the planet.

Coastlines tend to create natural walking trails – it’s easy to follow, just keep walking alongside the sea. It also just so happens that seaside walks spring up a whole lot of viewpoints and scenic spots, from hidden beaches and cool coves to dramatic cliff faces, which offer vast ocean vistas and incredible views of nesting birds, rock pools and inlets. Coastal hikes also offer the ideal resting points, be it a picturesque picnic stop, a beach to relax on, or the cooling nature of sea breezes and quick dips in the ocean. So, if you love exploring beautiful coastlines on foot, why not do it with an expert local guide and a small group of like-minded travellers? This selection of Culture Trips include guided coastal walks along some of the most beautiful stretches of shoreline on Earth.

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Tropical sea with turquoise water and trees. Gili Trawangan, Indonesia

Gili Trawangan, Bali, for serene island strolls

The tropical coasts of Bali are full of opportunities to explore, which is exactly what you’ll be able to do on our 12-day Indonesian epic. The coastal highlight of the trip is without doubt our excursion to the Gili Islands. We’ll spend three nights on Gili Trawangan at a beautiful seaside resort, featuring a spa, two pools and beach cinema. You’ll snorkel with sea turtles and visit the strange underwater statues near Gili Meno, but you’ll also have plenty of time to explore the island at your own pace. Keen walkers will be thrilled to hear you can actually walk around the entire island in just a few hours. Expect to discover some of the most amazing tropical beaches on your journey – the best bit? They’ll be totally empty.

From US$1616

Next available from 15th Jun 2024

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Bali, Indonesia

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Bali, Indonesia







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