Best Cafes For Studying In Portland, Oregon

Urban regions are teeming with caffeine-induced students and businesspeople struggling to complete different tasks by their respective deadlines. Portland, Oregon is no exception, and fortunately, this city possesses great locations for these bustling individuals.
Cathedral Coffee
Coffee Shop, American
A beloved establishment by North Portlanders, Cathedral Coffee accommodates many people seeking a comfortable, productive environment. This cozy coffee shop sticks out in the middle of a long line of residential homes along N. Willamette. Many of its patrons are local university students or nearby residents. It is a great place to finish up an essay at a seat at the counter, write notes on the spacious tables, or read in the colorful reading nook. Don’t forget the outdoor deck that provides seating in the fresh open air.
Tea Bar
Bar, Tea Room, Tea
Not only does Tea Bar serve arguably some of the most delicious beverages around, but the bright and light interior makes the room especially conducive to getting work done and checking assignments off one’s list. The white walls and overall contemporary interior allow for this refreshing space to inspire clear thoughts and effective productivity. Moreover, even just being surrounded by other fast-paced individuals and the white noise of their work helps.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters is beloved by many Portland residents thanks to their delicious coffee. It is also a great place to bring a laptop and finish up a couple documents at the counter, which faces out the large front window onto the busy street. An even better area to get some work done is the adjacent building, Ace Hotel, in which Stumptown is annexed. Beyond the doorway and up the stairs is a small lounge with a large central table. The concierge desk immediately below also plays great music.
New Seasons Market
Market, Grocery Store, Street Food, American

Don’t overlook the opportunity to study at a supermarket. New Seasons in the Historic Albina District has a dining area that is a good setting for a few hours of solid work. It is often frequented by several groups of customers at a time, and the hum of all their combined voices also provides a nice background noise to work to. There are enough outlets to plug in devices, enough lighting for reading, and great wifi for online research (or the occasional Facebook break).
Market, Tea Room, Tea , American

Seemingly inspired by traditional Asian interior design, Townshend is an immensely peaceful tea house to get a soothing drink while finishing up some assignments. In addition to being conducive to productivity, the atmosphere is also great for simultaneously de-stressing while getting work done. The whole of the establishment evokes a sense of serenity in its calming atmosphere. People can get rid of some of that anxiety while making progress on those to-do lists.
Rain Or Shine
Rain or Shine Coffee gives off a wonderfully friendly and upbeat environment for all its staff and customers. The apparent bustle and liveliness of the place may not be most ideal for quietly focusing on getting some reading done. However, it’s perfect for for chatty meetings, group projects or discussions with others.
Good Coffee
Coffee Shop, American
The contemporary and aesthetically pleasing design of Good Coffee, with its honeycomb flooring, geometric shelving, and trendy succulents dispersed about the tables, makes for another great and sleek study space. Not only is there an abundance of table surface to accommodate everyone’s stuff, but the space is also graced with great lighting and soothing music. Furthermore, Good Coffee has arguably some of the best customer service in Portland.