Great Places To Go Vintage Shopping In The Mission

Thrift, vintage, used, consignment – call it what you will, San Francisco is the residing queen of second-hand shopping, perhaps because of the sheer number of costume events throughout the year or the residents’ naturally eclectic sense of style. One of the best places to find some great deals is in the Mission district. Read on for five great places to buy some of the funkiest ensembles, unique accessories, and eccentric trinkets in the city.

Schauplatz Vintage
Mission Thrift

Retrofit is a smaller scale vintage shop on Valencia with a huge personality. The incredible costume selection showcases an array of wigs, bright make-up and distinctive accessories. There are also a lot of casual options as the store is chock-full of a wide selection of t-shirts and button-ups.
Retrofit, 910 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA, USA, +1 415-550-1530

Community Thrift Store
This thrift shop has the ultimate ‘do good in your hood’ mentality. Community Thrift works with hundreds of bay area charities, allowing shoppers to donate their goods and pick the charity the proceeds go to. The shelves have the most diverse merchandise of all the thrifts in the area. In addition to the normal clothing and shoes, the shop is also full of furniture, books, kitchenware, toys and various bric a brac. Make sure to mark the first Monday of the month in your calendar, everything in the store is 50% off for the day.
Community Thrift, 623 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA, USA, +1 415-861-4910

The Painted Bird