17 Up-and-Coming Artists on Instagram Who Could Make You Rich

Courtesy of Tarek Sebastian Al-shammaa
Courtesy of Tarek Sebastian Al-shammaa

Social Media Editor

What if you had known about Picasso before he became famous and had bought one of his early paintings or drawings for a couple hundred bucks or even less? The beauty of technology is that we all have access to most of the artists out there as early on in their careers as they decide to download Instagram. These 17 emerging artists should definitely be on your radar.

Irfan Hassan


Lahore, Pakistan-based Irfan, uses Indian/Pakistani miniature painting techniques to achieve the thoughtful detail found in his artwork. Whether he is painting a traditional portrait or something more politically charged, his work is impeccably executed and moving. A participant in this year’s Karachi Biennale, Irfan is one to keep an eye on.

Monica Kim Garza


Embodying the body positive movement with her fiercely fun and smile-inducing paintings, Monica is half Korean and half Mexican, and a strong and beautiful voice for women of colour all over the world. Monica’s work ranges from Gaugin-esque nudes in tropical settings to more contemporary images of women playing sports in very little clothing. Her work is one-of-a-kind and absolutely fabulous.

Jadé Fadojutimi


A recent MFA graduate from the Royal College of Art, Jadé credits her time spent in Japan for the recent shift in her painting style. Her abstract work is fearless, palpable and full of brilliant colour. Newly picked up by Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, you should definitely be keeping an eye on Jadé.

Jean-Francois Le Minh


A Parisian now based in New York City, Jean-Francois’s bold abstract work is starting to make waves on the US art scene. His idgaf attitude adds to his overall élan and the packed open studios he hosts are proof of that. From Paris, to London to the USA, Jean-Francois has something special and is no doubt going places.

Massimo Agostinelli


Taking word art to the next level, Massimo’s playful yet thought-provoking work uses mirrors, text and image to share its message with the world. Already part of some major collections, Massimo knows what he’s doing both on the art and business side and that’s not to mention his beautiful family, who also make following him on Instagram an extra special treat.

Dominic Dispirito


With a recent exhibition at South Kensington’s The Dot Project gallery, Slade School of Fine Art MFA grad Dominic combines classic painting technique with digital art to create his funky pieces. Featuring a signature character, the work is instantly recognisable and will be fun to follow as it makes its way around the world.

Paige Turner Uribe


Los Angeles-based painter, Paige Turner Uribe, creates entrancing domestic scenes that are both melancholic and romantic. A staple of the LA art scene, it is always good to see what Paige is up to and continue to watch her artistic journey progress.

Jonathan Lux


London-based, American painter Jonathan Lux’s topsy turvy scenes invoke a 1920s wild party but in a completely contemporary manner. With his most recent exhibition taking place in Milan, Jonathan is fast becoming a name on the international art scene.

Aeryk Williams


American conceptual artist Aeryk Williams resides and works in Los Angeles. Poetic and powerful, his word art makes a strong statement and is starting to make its way around the world.

Margaux Valengin


French artist, Margaux lives and works in New York City and also has her MFA from the Royal College of Art in London. Her figurative work is jarring and vastly energetic and she has shown in exhibitions from Spain to China.

Grace Weaver


Having shown work at such prestigious events as Frieze, London and NADA, Miami Grace is well on her way in the art world. Her bold and bright figurative paintings are truly a celebration of life and art.

Claire Tabouret


Another French artist on our list, but this time living and working in Los Angeles, Claire’s evocative painting has been shown all over the world from Paris to China, even including an exhibition at the Villa Medici in Rome alongside the legendary Yoko Ono. Claire’s romantic brushstrokes are one-of-a-kind and her paintings really do transport you into another world.

Yulia Iosilzon


A recent graduate of the Slade School of Fine Art in London, Yulia’s epic canvases are quirky, entertaining and quite intoxicating. It is most definitely worth keeping an eye on this young artist as she and her work continue to grow.

Anton Vitkovskiy


Loosely reminiscent of Basquiat, yet very much his own painter, Anton Vitkovskiy’s work is full of energy and life. A Russian artist based in Brooklyn, New York his paintings are bold and exciting, pulsing with a sort of organised chaos.

Kimia Ferdowsi-Kline


As well as a painter, Kimia is also the curator of the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn, New York. Her paintings contain an incredible sense of nostalgia, especially when it comes to the depiction of love and loss.

Sophia Balagamwala


The second Pakistani painter on our list, Karachi-based Sophia’s work is fun loving and full of vibrant colour. She is also the curator of the Citizen’s Archive of Pakistan.

Tarek Sebastian Al-shammaa


London-based Tarek is half French and half Iraqi. His recent solo show at Gallery Different in Fitzrovia led to sales to some impressive art world heavyweights. Whether he is using mythology to depict Brexit or remixing classic photos of celebrities as in his most recent series, Tarek’s work is always vibrant, brave and heart pumping to behold.

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