11 Words That Will Make You Fall in Love With Quebecois French

The Fleurdelisé, the flag of the province of Quebec
The Fleurdelisé, the flag of the province of Quebec | © Makaristos / WikiCommons

Over six million people in Canada, with the majority living in the province of Quebec, speak Quebec French, referred to more generally as Quebecois. The roots of the language arise from 17th- and 18th-century regional dialects of early modern France, but through the centuries, it has evolved through layers of colonial history, First Nations influences, and industrial change. Here are 11 unique words from the Quebecois language.

Cabane à Sucre

Pronounce it like this: caban-a-sucr-uh.

Cabane à sucre – Sugar shack


Pronounce it like this: toook.

Tuque – Winter hat


Pronounce it like this: dep-pan-euhr.

Dépanneur – Corner Store


Pronounce it like this: bruh-nante.

Brunante – Nightfall or dusk

Banc de neige

Pronounce it like this: bahnk-de-nehge.

Banc de neige – Snowbank


Pronounce it like this: keh-tayne.

Quétaine – Kitsch


Pronounce it like this: fra-seel.

Frasil – Thin ice


Pronounce it like this: shia-ley.

Chialer – Crying or whining


Pronounce it like this: shaah.

Char – Car


Pronounce it like this: pla-cot-eh.

Placoter – To chat or chatter


Pronounce it like this: nu-aahje.

Nuage – Scarf

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