The Best Street Food In Montreal

Riley Londres

There is lots to see in the French-Canadian city of Montreal, so to complete an amazing visit, check out some of the amazing food trucks roving around the city. Get a taste of the food that makes Montreal so special. Read ahead for our picks for the best street food in this vibrant, international city.

Landry Et Filles

Both a restaurant and a self-proclaimed snack bar on wheels, Landry et Filles has a lot to offer. This late night food truck sticks to snack-style favorites, while also creating new classics for the public to enjoy. The menu is constantly changing, but can feature items like fried chicken, meatloaf sandwiches, white bread compote with cheddar cheese and tomato (grilled like a grilled cheese) and ploye, a buckwheat pancake filled with a variety of savory toppings. Check out their twitter, @landryetfilles, for an updated list of the truck’s locations, events and menu.

Camion De Pied Du Cochon

This food truck is a product of acclaimed Montreal restaurant au Pied du Cochon, who uses this roving French-food vehicle to bring food to the masses. With a menu featuring poutine fois gras, pork rinds, donuts and fresh green salads, there is something for everyone to enjoy, from the meat lovers to the sweet lovers. For more information on their location and events, visit their Twitter, @camionpdc.

Spicy Sausage

Nomade S06

Nomade S06 is a food truck for meat lovers. The menu features four different kinds of sausage sandwiches on steam buns, flatbreads or tacos. For dessert, they offer a delicious peanut butter pie with milk chocolate, bananas and caramel. The truck is open all day for both lunch and dinner, so you can get your Nomade fix whenever you please. For information on their location and upcoming events, check out their Twitter, @nomadeso6.

Pas d’Cochon Dans Mon Salon

This food truck is a bit bigger than your typical one, since it has a trailer from which they serve and cook all of their food. The menu is simple, featuring salads, turkey legs, oysters, and their signature pulled pork. Their filling, delicious BBQ food is guaranteed to leave you satisfied. For more information about their whereabouts and events, visit their Twitter, @Pas_d_cochon.

Courtesy of Boite a Fromages

Boîte à Fromages

Boîte à Fromages serves up swiss raclette on the go along the streets of Montreal. The menu offers the traditional dish made with melted cheese on warm potatoes along with a list of items to pair with it, such as smoked sausage, vegetarian chili or meatballs. This truck is perfect for a lunch break from the office, or a chance for visitors to try raclette for the first time. For information about locations and events, check out their Twitter, @boiteafromages.

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