Top TED Talks By Israeli Influencers

TED Talks have changed the way we absorb information, making some of the most inspiring and innovative personalities accessible with the click of a button. Now with independently organized TEDx events popping up all over the world, we bring you the top inspiring TED talks by Israeli influencers.
Rony Edry
Rony Edry, creator of The Peace Factory, describes how he managed to start a social media campaign of love between Iran and Israel with the simple words Israel loves Iran. The response was astonishing with the media campaign going viral and this worthy cause gaining a huge amount of International attention.
Shimon Schocken
Shimon Schocken a computer science professor, educator, and avid mountain biker. Schocken’s TED Talk ‘Rides of Hope’ tells of his incredibly inspiring story of passing on the life lessons he learnt whilst cycling to juvenile prison inmates in Israel. He talks of the struggles and successes he discovers whilst working with youth at risk.
Oren Yakobovich
Oren Yakobovich co-founder of Videre, an NGO with groundbreaking methodology to equip oppressed communities with customized technology to uncover information from places where media can’t or won’t go. Using recording technology Videre connects with activists deep within the most repressive regimes to video-document human-rights abuses and expose them to worldwide scrutiny. Yakobovich, a social entrepreneur with a background in filmmaking is working at the intersection of human rights.
Keren Elezari
Elezari an analyst and Israeli hacking scene insider discusses how information is the new currency of our digital society, and those who can control it have become powerful actors — whether they choose to be heroes or villains. As she says, “Hacking has become a superpower that can positively impact millions worldwide – if we learn how to harness it.” In 2014, Keren became the first Israeli woman to be invited to speak at the prestigious annual TED conference. Keren’s TED talk has been viewed by 1.2 million people, translated to 20 languages and selected for TED’s list of “Most Powerful Ideas in 2014.”
Dan Ariely
Dan Ariely, is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University and a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight. Now an author of 4 bestsellers, Ariely is a leader in the psychology of behavior and he questions the forces that influence human behavior and the irrational ways in which we often all behave. In this TED Talk ‘Our Buggy Moral Code’ Ariely discusses the human urge to steal and cheat and what makes up our moral code.
Yuval Noah Harari
A lecturer in history at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari asks what made homo sapiens the most successful species on the planet. Harari specializes in world history, medieval history and military history. His current research focuses on macro-historical questions: What is the relation between history and biology? What is the essential difference between Homo sapiens and other animals? In his TED Talk ‘What explains the rise in Humanity? Harari suggests some surprising answers.
Hannah Rosin
Rosin, an experienced journalist with published articles in The Atlantic, The Washington Post and The New Yorker is also an author of a book that researches the inner workings of Patrick Henry College, a seven-year school for evangelical Christians aspiring to political and cultural influence. In her popular TED Talk Hannah reviews startling new data that shows women actually surpassing men in several important measures, such as college graduation rates.