Meet The Fashionistas Behind The Blogs Of Tel Aviv

Although Tel Aviv isn’t considered a fashion city in the same way as Paris or Milan, it’s definitely an up-and-coming fashion capital. With some the best fashion schools like Shenkar and Bezalel, Israel has produced some incredible designers, and the fashion fans aren’t trailing far behind. The era of blogs is well and truly here, with those devoted to fashion popping up all over the world. Meet and follow these ten fashion influencers ruling the virtual world.
Reut – Blogger at AR Zentkeren
Like all Israeli girls between ages 18 and 20, Reut is serving the army but also works as a model in her spare time. She manages a fashion blog with her sister Amit called AR Zentkeren, covering topics like fashion, travel, and the best fashion events.

Amit – Blogger at AR Zentkeren
Like her sister Reut, Amit is also serving the army, and she is the main photographer and co-founder of AR Zentkeren. She is an excellent photographer and writer, and she knows how to capture an audience through inspiring stories.

Claire – Blogger at KlayerWear
Claire is a social media manager and a fashion designer currently based in Tel Aviv. Her style might look dark and grunge, but she always manages to stays feminine.

Angel – Blogger at Yupka
Angel is from Tel Aviv and works in PR and Digital Marketing. Angel makes sure fashion is her business, and she definitely knows how to play with it!

Avital – Blogger at AvyGyngy
Avital hails from Switzerland, lived in France, and is now a student at the IDC University in Herzilya. Avital blogs about her life as a Swiss in Israel and shows how different styles can work together!

Or Gal – Instagram influencer @Orgal
His feed is clear and white; Or has a strong, urban style, and he is not afraid to wear statement outfits. He is also known for his oversized clothes.

Aviv – Blogger at WeinByAviv
Aviv is a huge fan of the brand Moschino. She matches her outfits with amazing dark tones of lipstick. Her feminine style and her beauty reviews reflect girls all over the world!

Gat – Blogger at OhhMyGat
This fashion and lifestyle blogger presents her casual style with her inspiring blog. Gat doesn’t only talk about fashion, but also about beauty. Her advice is always gold!

Ravid – Instagram influencer @Rev_NY
Ravid loves traveling all over the world, and his style is an everyday inspiration for men. Starting as a young user, Ravid has now more than 30k followers on Instagram!

Ben – Instagram influencer @Benmenachem21
His Instagram is a breath of fresh air; he has the ability to play with colors and different styles. Ben absolutely puts a smile on your face with his visuals.