5 Ways that Georgians Will Harass You With Hospitality

The Statue of Mother of Georgia
The Statue of Mother of Georgia | © Alexxx Malev / Flickr

For centuries, Georgians have developed a tradition and reputation as a friendly nation. The hospitality is seen at home, in the village and on the street. Georgians even have a national monument, Kartlis Deda (Mother of Georgia), that overlooks the capital and is a symbol of friendship and hospitality.

A Guest is a Gift from God

This phrase perfectly describes Georgian hospitality. Locals believe that a guest is a gift from God, and they treat their guests much like royalty. When a person is invited to a Georgian home, they are offered food and drink every few minutes, whether the guest is staying for the evening or much longer. The host will insist that you eat and drink as much as you can, especially if you have an empty plate, and they’re happy for you to stay for as long as you like.

Georgian cuisine

They’ll Take You Everywhere They Go

If you are visiting a Georgian friend, they will take you with them wherever they go. They will invite you to their home and will introduce you to every single person in their family. Expect a supra, a Georgian feast where the guest is treated as royalty. Don’t be surprised if you end up at a wedding or another big celebration where you know no one except your host. But don’t worry, everyone will make sure you are welcomed and treated properly, even if they don’t speak your language.

They’ll Show You Around

Georgians are proud of their ancient culture, traditions, and the nation in general and are more than happy to take some time off to show you around their country. They are eager to make you fall in love their country, customs, and traditions and will tell you the stories of their kings, queens, poets, and heroes with pride. You just say what you want to see, and the rest is taken care of.

Hosts showing their guests around Georgia

They Won’t Let You Pay

Even if you have only just recently befriended a Georgian, and you’re not actually their guest, they won’t let you pay for a dinner, beer or anything else while you are with them. They won’t make you chip in for the petrol if they are driving you around and showing you the country. That’s just an unwritten rule.

They’re Overly Helpful

If a visitor asks a local for directions, there’s a good chance that the tourist will be escorted to the destination if it’s anywhere in the vicinity. If the Georgian doesn’t know the way, he or she will find someone who can help. Don’t be surprised when this becomes a neighborhood affair. The same goes if you are a guest of a Georgian friend and you ask for something they don’t have. Your host will call all his or her friends to help. Georgian’s say that “your friend is my friend,” and they will do their best to assist you with anything, even if you haven’t met them.

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