The Coolest Neighbourhoods in The Hague

Finding relaxed, fun or scenic spots in The Hague is exceptionally easy thanks to the wide range of awesome cultural attractions and landmarks scattered throughout the city’s many neighbourhoods. Whilst The Hague’s central districts are commonly associated with international law and governance, there’s considerably more to the city than politics, such as its charming parks and beachside promenades.
Belgisch Park
This photogenic neighbourhood lies between the two particularly tranquil parks called Nieuwe Scheveningse Bosjes and Oostduinpark that trail into The Hague’s north-eastern reaches. Besides being almost completely surrounded by green spaces, Belgisch Park also looks onto the sea and its northern borders edge onto Scheveningen beach.

This former country estate runs down the side of Schevening Bosje, an expansive park that trails through a series of dunes in The Hague’s northern Scheveningen district. Despite the fact that Zorgvliet covers over eight square kilometers, only around 600 people live inside its borders and the neighbourhood mainly revolves around its political and cultural projects rather than acting as a residential area. In fact, there are many important sites within Zorgvliet that make it an appealing destination for travellers, such as The Hague’s Gemeentemuseum which houses the largest Mondriaan collection in the world and the Peace Palace.

Due to the high number of culturally important buildings within Statenkwartier, a large portion of the neighbourhood is protected as a national heritage site by the Dutch government. The neighbourhood’s layout revolves around diagonal street patterns that form an quarter circle above Zorgvliet estate. As the neighbourhood mainly developed during the late 19th to early 20th century, many of its residential buildings were designed according to Art Nouveau principles and feature expressive, red-brick architecture.

The Hague’s Chinatown is around 500 metres due south of the Dutch Houses of Parliament in het Binnenhof palace and within walking distance of many of the city’s most famous landmarks. The neighbourhood’s borders are marked by three ornate, Chinese style gates that were raised during the early 21st century in honour of the area’s growing migrant population, which includes people from many different countries from around the world.

This historic neighbourhood in The Hague’s city centre contains many famous landmarks that are associated with the Dutch government and royal family such as the Houses of Parliament inside het Binnenhof and Lange Voorhout Palace which now houses The Netherlands’ only M.C. Escher museum. As The Hague was founded around this neighbourhood after het Binnehof was established in the early 13th century, Voorhout is recognised as the oldest part of the city.