The Best Coffee Shops and Cafés in Niš, Serbia

You don’t have to spend much time in Niš to gain a strong admiration for the energy of the place. A lot of that is little more than simple Serbian enthusiasm, but a strong roster of roasters must shoulder some of the blame. The café culture is very much alive in this part of the country.
Pleasure Caffe
Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Nightclub, Contemporary

Pleasure by name, pleasure by nature. That might sound a little seedy, but the sentiment absolutely rings true at Pleasure Caffe. Something of an all in one spot, Pleasure is as good a place to grab a quality lunch as it is to enjoy a book with a cup of coffee, and the evening is full of cocktails to boot. It covers all bases, and it covers them with aplomb.
Kafeterija Biro
Cafe, Contemporary

A staple in Niš for a number of years, Kafeterija Biro was opened by a group of friends who were interested in taking the coffee scene in town to whole new levels. With that in mind, this place remains at the forefront of the coffee connoisseur revolution that has swept across Europe in recent times. The space has three levels, but manages to retain a convivial atmosphere nonetheless.
Vespa Bar
Bar, Cafe, Contemporary

The confusing popularity of the Vespa has transcended generations, and this infusion of vintage Italia is very much welcome in Niš. The Italian theme doesn’t really make it past the vehicle of course, unless you want to lump great coffee in as another influence from across the sea. Nostalgia is very much the major thing at Vespa Bar, and we mean this in the most positive of manners.
Hedonist Cafe
Bar, Cafe, Contemporary
It might not have the most inviting interior in the world, but we’re taught from young that we should never judge a book by its cover. You should judge a café by its atmosphere and its beverages, and Hedonist more than passes the test on both fronts. This is a lively spot on Prvomajska that has as many people drinking beer as it does sipping lattes and cappuccinos.
Square Caffe
Bar, Cafe, Contemporary

In St Sava’s Park stands Square Caffe, looking for all the world like you imagine somewhere called Square Caffe would. Somewhat unassuming, the café gets on with the rigmarole of the Serbian social life and doesn’t force the issue, displaying a conscious understanding that the conversation and the individuals are what matters, not the place they are in. Square will serve you the drinks you want and do it well, but the rest is up to you. A café for people, as opposed to a people’s café.
Letnja Pozornica
Bar, Cafe, Contemporary
Letnja Pozornica is something of a departure, in more ways than one. It isn’t a traditional café for one. The name translates as Summer Stage, and should clue you in as to its location. Situated in the Roman amphitheatre within the fortress, this is without doubt the nicest place to spend an afternoon during those warm summer months.