The Most Beautiful Places in Plovdiv

View of Plovdiv
View of Plovdiv | © Pixabay
Maria Angelova

If you ask Bulgarians which is the most beautiful city in the country, many of them will point to Plovdiv. The colorful historical houses in the Old Town will remain imprinted in your memory long after you leave Plovdiv. Here are Culture Trip’s choices of some of the most beautiful places in Plovdiv.

1. The Ancient Theater


Roman Theatre of Philippopolis
© Dennis Jarvis/Flickr
The Ancient Theater is one of the greatest symbols of Plovdiv, located at one end of the Old Town. You’ll be able to set foot on authentic rock stairs and seats used by local nobles centuries ago. The theater’s stage is still in use today, and in summer you can come across a classical concert, an opera performance or a rock concert.

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