The Most Popular Travel Instagram Accounts From Egypt

Red Sea, Egypt
Red Sea, Egypt | © chinmaker / Pixabay
Yosra Shohayeb

Social media has given individuals from around the globe the chance to showcase their talents in the best possible way. That being said, one of the most popular talents on social media nowadays is travel photography, which has led to the eruption of travel-focused Instagram accounts. These Instagrammers have been beautifying one destination after the other, resulting in most travellers dying to become part of their pictures. Here are the most popular travel bloggers from Egypt you should be following.

Taimour Othman

The two famous hashtags that have been flooding social media for a couple of years now, #ThisIsEgypt and #RoamEgypt, were originally created by the innovative Taimour Othman. The photography guru’s pictures of Egypt have attracted loads of followers, leading to the adoption of Taimour’s hashtag and photos by the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt. The ministry started the campaign #ThisIsEgypt with Taimour’s photos to invite people to experience the beauty of Egypt. The campaign was an enormous success and motivated both locals and tourists to #RoamEgypt.

Just A GoProer

Mazen Yassen was like many nowadays; a corporate slave seeking to break the norm. Inspiring us all, Mazen, in fact, did succeed in trotting around the globe and is now followed by more than 90,000 on Facebook and Instagram. From his account name, Just A GoProer, Mazen proves that he’s not just an amateur using that GoPro. He creates amazing content, including videos and photos, and has some super editing skills as well.

Sherif Fayed

Sherif Fayed started off as a Viner on social media in 2013 and now, he’s a famous TV host and traveller who is followed by millions. He succeeded in putting smiles on people’s faces with his funny vines and then, starred in one commercial after the other, leading to his prominent career today. This traveller, who is only in his mid-twenties, treks around the world and shows his viewers the beauty of each place he sets foot in.

Mohamed Mekawy

This 24-year-old takes stunning shots of the world, making everyone envious of his amazing trips. Mohamed Mekawy started out with jokes and pranks on his social media and today, he has over 500,000 followers. This led to brands asking Mohamed to advertise their products on his accounts. The influencer, who now has his own digital agency, takes his followers along with him as he travels one continent after the other.

Hamed Dowedar

Scrolling through Hamed Dowedar’s Instagram account is enough to make you want to immediately pack your bags and explore the globe. This guy is clearly into trying new things. From free handstands to shots with dolphins, Hamed’s endearing photos will surely take you on an adventure.

Egyptians Who Travel

Started by local travel enthusiast, Abdallah Ali, this Instagram account gathers different Egyptians who have a passion for travel. The photos shared dive into each city to showcase the life of an adventurer, rather than a tourist. Scroll through the account and get inspired.

Your Travel Pal

Hussein El-Terawy, founder of Your Travel Pal, started by creating a simple Instagram account about his passion for travel. Rather than continuing with a blog for himself, Hussein now has a website that gathers travellers’ stories from around the world to create one big blog for everyone. He seeks to shed light on unknown destinations and increase awareness – and he is definitely succeeding in doing so.

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