The Must-Visit Beaches In Israel

Leeor Cohen

With four distinctly different bodies of water; the Mediterranean, Red Sea, Dead Sea, and the Kineret, Israel’s beach scene guarantees an experience for everyone. Whether you are into peaceful and remote or lively and buzzing, a visit to any of these sandy stretches will fit the bill.

Tel Aviv Beach City:

Tel Aviv Beaches

There are 13 beaches along Tel Aviv’s coastline, each with its own unique characteristic and offering a variety of services. Lined up and down the promenade are dozens of restaurants, beachside café’s, musicians, bars, chairs’ in the sand, rollerbladers, raquetball enthusiasts, and outdoor dance/yoga classes. Winter, summer, hot or cold, die-hard beach lovers of Tel Aviv can be found swimming, surfing, or simply lounging there all year round.

22 Herbert Samuel, Tel Aviv, Israel

Beit Yannai Sea Cliff View:

1. Beit Yanai Beach

Natural Feature

© tsaiproject/Flickr
Surfboards cover the sand and kites fill the sky at this beach situated between the cliff of Beit Yanai and Tel Michmoret. This stretch provides both tranquility and excitement. While it is typically full of energy, a quick stroll up north will bring you to a peaceful, private piece of sand and water.

2. The Dead Sea

Natural Feature

The Dead Sea in Israel, 400 meters below sea level, is the lowest point on Earth, nestled between the mountains of the Judean Desert. The Dead Sea is a beautiful oasis and the ultimate organic spa; its minerals are beneficial to health and skin care. Floating in the sea and rubbing the special Dead Sea mud on your body are a must for complete relaxation of your body and soul.

3. Achziv Beach

Park, Ruins

3. Achziv Beach
© vad_levin/Flickrcommons
Located north of Nahariya, you will find ancient ruins of the settlement of Achziv and two exquisite lagoons, set alongside the ocean. Most popular in the summer, the Achziv Beach National Park also offers overnight camping and is undoubtedly the best beachside campsite in the country.

4. Apollonia Beach

Natural Feature

Cliffs, caves, water, sun, and a man-made castle built entirely out of treasures of the sea make Apollonia Beach an essential excursion. Located about 30 minutes from Tel Aviv, right past Herzliya Pituach, this stretch offers the best of both worlds, offering beautiful sea views and fascinating historical sites.

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