A Guide To Tel Aviv's Sarona Market

Sarona Market food hall is located in beautiful Sarona Park. Tel Aviv is home to a gourmet food hall that can compete with famous international food halls, such as the Bouqeria in Barcelona and Borough Market in London. Sarona Market, with 91 shops, stalls and restaurants that feature both local and foreign food, is a culinary heaven. Here are a few glimpses of what you can find at the new Sarona Market.

Sarona Market has 18 eateries from which to choose, including the Tiger Lily Thai food restaurant; Fishbar, a market fish restaurant; and Meet Wine, which provides the opportunity to sit down with a glass of wine amid all the hustle and bustle.
One of the most fascinating shops at the Sarona Market is Vom Fass, the local branch of a German company that sells premium oils, vinegars and liqueurs that you can taste and then buy in a variety of quantities. After purchasing the first bottle, you can return to fill it up. Like a candy shop for grownups!

Halva Kingdom
How about some halva from Halva Kingdom? Originally from the Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem, Sarona Market’s Halva Kingdom sells over 100 types of delicious halva, and you can sample them before buying. They sell tahini, regular, and a variety of flavors – there is even a stone mill that grinds sesame seeds into fresh tahini before your eyes!

You might have thought that you need deep pockets in order to shop or eat at Sarona Market, but the Market was created in part to ensure price competition among quality venues. This means that you can have an expensive meal at Fauchon but also a reasonably priced baklawa, sandwich, pizza or burekas at one of the food stands.