5 Cosy Bookshops in Bustling Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is a vibrant, multi-cultural city where Middle Eastern, European and American populations live and impact upon each other. Bookshops are the perfect place to start exploring and understanding a little bit more about this vibrant city and its ever dynamic human geography. We give you a list of five special bookshops with much more than books to offer—these are bookshops that will expand the limits of your Tel Aviv experience.

M. Pollak Books
The Pollak bookshops are the only Israeli members of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association and of the Verband Deutsche Antiquare. The shops are specialized in original maps, old prints, rare and antique books. The shelves at M. Pollak are packed with old and modern classics written in every possible language spoken within the Jewish Diaspora. All books at the store are handled with care. In order to offer their customers with the best purchasing and reading experience, M. Pollak works with a team of four restoring artists and bookbinders. This is a place for serious book lovers and collectors, people who embrace reading as a full sensual experience.
M. Pollak Books, 36 and 42 King George Street, Tel Aviv, Israel, 03-5288613 or 03-5281336

Books at Basel
Store, Bookstore

Halper’s Bookshop
Halper’s Bookshop is a second-hand book heaven. After 25 years of buying and selling used books, Yosef Halper has built a formidably diverse library and earned many faithful costumers. Halper specializes in English books and his shop has a large and diverse section of fiction that includes modern classics and present day bestsellers. He also sells a great variety of non-fiction books about Jewish History and Middle Eastern Politics, Philosophy and Psychology. One of the best things about visiting Halper’s Bookshop is the feeling that you’re working through the labyrinths of a goldmine. As you dig for preciosities in every bookshelf, time and space will suddenly become irrelevant. Your mind begins to wander freely in its own company, or as one of his costumers reputedly states, ‘this place is much more than a shop—it’s therapy!’

Brothers Green
Bookstore, Shop, Store

The Little Prince
The Little Prince offers a good selection of fiction, history, art and philosophy books. Most titles on its shelves are in Hebrew, English and French. At the back of the store, there is patio and a charming little restaurant where you can sit to work, drink and chat with friends. This is the perfect place to hide and relax on a hot summer day, among books and a whole fauna of stylish Israeli young students.
By Juliana de Albuquerque Katz
Juliana de Albuquerque Katz is a philosophy student at Tel Aviv University. She specializes in 19th Century German Philosophy and its contemporary developments. Particularly fond of literature and cinema, the author finds a source of inspiration in the works of Saul Bellow and Ingmar Bergman. Follow Juliana on Twitter (@the_stardust) and visit her portfolio at http://j-albuquerque.squarespace.com to remain updated about her other activities and publications.