Jaw-Dropping Pictures Of Trolltunga, Norway's Legendary Cliff

Trolltunga, Norway
Trolltunga, Norway | © Simon Dannhauer

Shooting right off the side of a mountain, 700 meters above ground, Trolltunga in Norway is one of the most photographed pieces of rock in the world. You might recognize it from motivational quote memes, or that really adventurous friend’s social media feeds. Now, we take you through the many faces of this epic cliff.

Trolltunga translates to ‘Troll Tongue’ in Norwegian.


An apt name to describe the shape of the rock.

Trolltunga, Norway

It’s located almost 100 miles east of Bergen, the closest large city.

Bergen, Norway

But the hike to Trolltunga starts at the fairytale Ringedalsvatnet lake…

Ringedalsvatnet Lake, Norway

Near the tiny town of Odda…

Odda, Norway

Perched on the side of a fjord.

Odda, Norway

Getting there means a 10-hour hike…

On the way to Trolltunga, Norway

Through the incredible scenery of the Norwegian mountains.

On the way to Trolltunga, Norway

But once you’ve made it to the top…

Trolltunga, Norway

That legendary piece of ten thousand-year-old rock is unforgettable.

Trolltunga, Norway

We guarantee it’ll make you feel tiny in the vastness of the landscape.

Trolltunga, Norway

Maybe that’s not such a bad thing?

Trolltunga, Norway

Would you dare take a picture…

Trolltunga, Norway

Or jump up in joy?

Trolltunga, Norway

Still not convinced?

Trolltunga, Norway

Sure, there may be a little queue to take your photo, like anywhere.

Queue at Trolltunga, Norway

But this picture really is worth a thousand experiences.

Trolltunga, Norway

Or more.

Panorama over Trolltunga, Norway

In winter, the trail to Trolltunga is closed for safety reasons. It still looks pretty incredible.

Trolltunga in winter, Norway

But whether you visit the Troll’s Tongue in winter, spring or summer…

Trolltunga, Norway

With or without a commemorative selfie…

Trolltunga, Norway

Image courtesy of Trolltunga Adventures

It’s bound to be one hell of a view.

Trolltunga, Norway

And you might as well stay for the night.

Image courtesy of Trolltunga AdventuresImage courtesy of Trolltunga Adventures

Or two.

Camping at Trolltunga, Norway

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