Useful Tips For Getting Featured On Culture Trip's Instagram Page

Used by 500 million people per month, and hosting a staggering 20 billion photos, the photo editing app-turned-social media phenomenon is an bottomless well of inspiration, discovery and wanderlust. Culture Trip’s Instagram community is a special one. Known as #CultureTrippers, our contributors are the reason our gallery is so far-reaching, and bursting with dreamy photographs that offer a local insight into adventure, discovery, and beauty.
#CultureTrip has garnered over 50,000 tags since the launch of our account in 2015, and we’ve discovered hundreds of incredible photographers from all around the world. We feature them all day, every day, and are always looking for new talent. Let us help you gain exposure, grow your following, and shine a spotlight on your work. Here’s how:
The brighter, the better
Photos with lots of light always perform better on Instagram than darker ones. No amount of filtering or photo editing can make up for a poorly lit photo. Natural light always reads better, so use daylight if you can. Get outdoors, particularly in early morning and late afternoon, when the light is most beautiful. Professional photographers call this the “golden hour” due to the softer strength of the sun at these times.
Think about color
Can you guess which color does best on Instagram? It’s pretty inescapable – the color of the sea and the sky. Yup, you guessed it – blue! Research by analytics firm Curalate reported a 24 percent increase in photos that are are predominately blue-toned.
Pay attention to composition and frame
Try and take your photos with a grid on your screen. This way the viewers’ eyes with be drawn straight to the story you are trying to illustrate without any distractions. Research the rule of thirds, and also pay attention to symmetry. You will notice an improvement in your photographs immediately. Plus, it’s incredibly satisfying to get that geometrical perfection.
Treat yourself to a few minutes of scrolling down our Instagram feed. Take into account the kinds of photos we usually post, and why we might have picked them. We love natural realistic shots, with a softer aesthetic. Anything that looks dreamy, and takes you away into the fantasy world that Instagram was made for.
Did you know that the most used filter is actually no filter? X-Pro II is so last year. Check out some mobile editing apps, such as VSCO, or use the tools that are now built into Instagram itself. When editing your photo, try not to oversaturate it. It’s the most common problem we see in photos that might otherwise be suitable for our gallery. Harsh, bright colors don’t evoke that dreamy, sublime tone that Instagram lovers use.
We want your photos to be the best quality possible. That doesn’t mean you need expensive camera equipment. Most of our Culture Trippers use their phones. Just make sure the image is not pixelated so we can see the full detail of your epic adventure.
Subject matter
We love photos that tell a story, especially if they evoke a sense of adventure. Get outdoors, and shoot landscapes, seascapes, silhouettes and architectural shots, whether they’re details or provide an extraordinary sense of scale. And more specifically – #protip – mountains, the Milky Way, and birds in flight.
We’re always searching for new angles to see the world. Get experimental. Make it stand out. Show us the unique way you see the world that no one else can. This doesn’t mean you have to travel to the most remote and untrodden part of the world. For example, the Eiffel Tower has been tagged 2.5 million times on Instagram. What we’re looking for is a different perspective.
Keep on trying
As much as we try to look at every single photo that is tagged, it is possible that our Instagram team might miss some. We advise that you don’t give up, and on keep tagging us! You can always leave us a comment to check out your photos too.
Don’t forget to follow us on @CultureTrip ❤️