Top Single Travel Adventures to Take with Culture Trip

| © Dynamoland / Alamy Stock Photo
Nick Dauk

Senior Travel Writer

Experience ancient history and modern luxury in EgyptSingle and ready to mingle with the world? Allow these Culture Trips to act as your suitor.

There’s no “I” in adventure – unless you’re joining one of our trips to these amazing adventure travel destinations. These immersive journeys are ideal for single travellers looking to experience more than just the major cities and tourist tracks of a country. Go beyond Kathmandu into Nepal’s wilderness; see every side of Ecuador from the Andes to the Amazon; embark on the safari of a lifetime in South Africa. All this and more with a handful of fellow explorers by your side.

Spring Sale
Two people on horseback riding across a grassy hill and looking towards Cotopaxi Volcano at Cotopaxi National Park

Raft through rainforest and swing from the trees in Ecuador

Why choose between the Andes and the Amazon when our Adventurous Ecuador trip lets you see both? Eight days will simultaneously fly by and freeze you in forever-long moments as you go whitewater rafting through the rainforest, ride through Cotopaxi National Park on horseback and swing from a mountaintop treehouse. These memories will linger in your mind even longer than the local chocolate lingers on your tongue. Still not long enough though…

From US$1649

Next available from 24th Aug 2024

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Quito, Ecuador

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Quito, Ecuador







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Spring Sale
Egypt, Upper Egypt, Nile Valley, tourist sitting in a passageway of Steam Ship Sudan, the last steamboat cruising on the Nile, alongside a crew member in period costume and wearing a hat. tarbouche

Experience ancient history and modern luxury in Egypt

Whether you fancy yourself a Cleopatra or a Ramesses, this nine-day Egyptian odyssey will make you feel like royalty. A luxurious cruise down the Nile fills one of many afternoons of pampering for your body and mind. Late-night visits to Luxor Temple, shopping sprees at the Khan Al-Khalili bazaar, and gazing at the wonders in and outside the Great Egyptian Museum will leave you as spoiled as Egyptian eminence.

From US$1807

Next available from 26th Sep 2024

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Trip highlights and details


Cairo, Egypt

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Aswan, Egypt







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Additional reporting by Gethin Morgan.

Culture Trips launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes places and communities so special.

Our immersive trips, led by Local Insiders, are once-in-a-lifetime experiences and an invitation to travel the world with like-minded explorers. Our Travel Experts are on hand to help you make perfect memories. All our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.

All our travel guides are curated by the Culture Trip team working in tandem with local experts. From unique experiences to essential tips on how to make the most of your future travels, we’ve got you covered.

Culture Trip Spring Sale

Save up to $1,656 on our unique small-group trips! Limited spots.

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