The Best Cuban Rum Cocktails to Try

Youll most likely be served Havana Club in Cuba today
You'll most likely be served Havana Club in Cuba today | ©Mrs__Schu
Jack Guy

There is something about Cuba that seems to lend itself to cocktails. Just ask Ernest Hemingway, who by all accounts spent many an afternoon sampling the various tipples on offer in Old Havana. Here are some of the best Cuban rum cocktails to try.

Cuban rum, Havana Club, in a mojito


Arguably the most common cocktail around the world, the mojito was born in Cuba. Make sure you try some on your trip to the island; you’ll be able to get one wherever you go.

Ron Collins

“Ron” replaces “Tom” in this Cuban take on the classic Tom Collins. This is a simple concoction of rum, sugar syrup, and lime added to some sparkling water and ice, which makes for a refreshing cocktail.

Daiquiri with lemon and mint


One of the most famous Cuban rum cocktails, this classic has taken on many different forms around the world. Try it in a martini glass over ice for the authentic experience, and leave those synthentic fruit flavors alone!

El Presidente

This cocktail became popular in the Prohibition era of the 1930s when Americans would descend on Havana to indulge in their forbidden drinking hobby. They would raise their glasses to the Cuban president, Gerardo Machado, who let them sample the island’s finest rum.


Supposedly a predecessor to both the mojito and the daquiri, this simple cocktail brings together rum, honey, and lime. Try it with Havana Club 7 to get the full experience.

Havana Club rum

El Nacional

Created at the iconic Hotel Nacional in the Vedado neighbourhood of Havana, these rum cocktails ooze flavour. It’s a mixture of dark rum, apricot brandy, pineapple juice, and lime—with sugar syrup and ice cubes.

Cuba Libre

One of the simplest cocktails around, most people will have tried a Cuba Libre. However some forget to add the generous squeeze of lime to the cola and rum mixture, which adds an all-important sour note. Be careful because these cocktails slide down incredibly easily.

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