Top Tips for Travelling in Egypt

Culture Trip has your back when it comes to planning the ultimate Egyptian escape
Culture Trip has your back when it comes to planning the ultimate Egyptian escape | Osama Elsayed / Unsplash
Alex Vancev

Maintenance Assistant

Planning a trip to the Pyramids? Here are some essential travel tips to make your journey smooth and enjoyable. As a first-timer, it’s important to be well-prepared, whether you’re traveling to Cairo or cruising down the Nile. From the best tours to take to top packing tips, here is everything you need to know about a trip to Egypt.

General tips for visiting Egypt

Learning basic Egyptian phrases is a great way to connect with locals and enhance your travel experience. It’s important to be mindful of local customs and practices, such as dressing modestly and respecting local behavioural expectations. We recommend carrying cash wherever you go here, and you should always be prepared to bargain at markets. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen and hats, and be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day – especially in the extreme summer heat.

Touring Egypt tips

On our extensive nine-day exploration of Egypt you’ll tour the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Khan Al-Khalili Bazaar in Cairo’s ancient district. We’ll then head south, first by sleeper train and then by opulent cruise liner on the Nile. Explore historic sites, go river kayaking and, on your final evening, enjoy a traditional Nubian meal in Aswan to cap off your journey. Epic sightseeing, luxurious accommodation and cultural immersion? Now that’s how you tour Egypt.

Learn some basic phrases

Learning basic Egyptian phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience in Egypt. Here are some useful phrases to get you started:

Hello – “Marhaba”
Thank you – “Shukran”
Yes – “Na’am”
No – “La”
Please – “Min fadlak” (to a male) or “Min fadlik” (to a female)
Excuse me – “Law samaht”
Goodbye – “Ma’a as-salama”
Do you speak English? – “Bititkallam inglizi?”
How much does it cost? – “Bikam da?”
Where is the bathroom? – “Feen el-hammam?”

Enjoy the hospitality of Egypt

Visitors who set foot in Egypt are greeted with warmth and hospitality, and sending those good vibes right back allows you to further immerse yourself in the local culture, bringing you closer to the people you’re visiting, as well as the destination. Our Local Insider is always on hand to offer cultural insights, as well as some translation when needed. Having that multi-linguist on board, who can bridge the language gap between you and a local, actually allows you to have far deeper conversational exchanges. Egypt feels like an exotic place to many, but that shouldn’t stop you from gaining a greater understanding of the Egyptian people.

Travel with Culture Trip

Of course we have to say it, but it’s true! Becoming a Culture Tripper is the best way to discover the real Egypt. We’ll show you another side to the iconic sights, as well as showing you a few you’d never heard of. We’ll also bring you closer to the locals, their customs and their cuisines, be it through authentic meals or the depth of knowledge brought by our Local Insider, armed with a lifetime of lived-in experience.

Accommodation, domestic travel and all pre-planned activities will be booked in advance for you (with plenty of free time along the way), safe in the knowledge that your itinerary has been carefully planned out by seasoned Travel Experts. Know where you stand with your budget, without having to worry about extra costs beyond a snack here and a souvenir there, and join a group of friendly Culture Trippers eager to explore the land of the ancient civilizations.

Sold on Egypt? Book your spot today on our immersive nine-day adventure in the dusty expanses of North Africa.

Culture Trips launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes places and communities so special.

Our immersive trips, led by Local Insiders, are once-in-a-lifetime experiences and an invitation to travel the world with like-minded explorers. Our Travel Experts are on hand to help you make perfect memories. All our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.

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